Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Online Quiz--Humerus and Shoulder


From RTstudents.com as mentioned in Kathy's class on Monday.

NCSRT Membership

Here's a link if you guys are interested. Membership really isn't that expensive. And Woo-Hoo convention coming up! Go Seniors!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

...and another Anatomy Quiz (Humerus)


This one uses real bones. So, something different, ya know?

Totally Sweet Site For Film Critique

I stumbled upon this one while doing the homework for RAD 111. This link features x-rays of the shoulder but the "Main Menu" link at the top of the page will give you more options. Technically it doesn't give a chance to critique the films, but it does give you more practice at viewing x-rays of various positions and what not.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Online Anatomy Help

If that last RAD 111 test kicked your butt like it did mine, here's a great online test for anatomy of the humerus:


Here's a review of the arm in general:


A short one for the scapula:


This one is bone terms: to keep all those processes and condyles straight:


And a whole bunch of terminology tests:


Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm packing a lunch

I don't think we're doing lunch on Monday. I'm pretty sure Lynn said she wanted to practice in the lab between tests. I'm not sure about anybody else. Plus, the break isn't too long between classes. So I'm brown bagging it.

Monday Plans?

Hey guys, are we still going to brunch after the test in 111 on Monday? Just curious...if yes I won't bother packing a lunch.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Having Trouble Retaining All the Info From Class?

If you've never taken a learning style quiz, here is the link:


This is the Barsch Learning Style Inventory, which helps you determine if you are a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner.

This test totally changed my life. There were always a couple of subjects that I struggled with, no matter how hard I studied. After awhile you just want to give up in frustration.

Then one semester, a teacher made the whole class take this test. It changed the way I studied and made even the most difficult subjects easier to learn.

The important part comes after the test. There are learning tips listed for each style and you can find more tips through Google. Either way, it helps you focus your study time in a more efficient and productive manner.

Good luck on Monday's test guys!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hey Guys--Need More Practice?

Some of us are staying after class on Thursday and Friday to practice the positions for the upcoming Finger to Forearm test. If you're interested I believe there's a sign up sheet going around somewhere. Just a reminder...those of us who have lab on Monday will be taking this test ON MONDAY! Yipes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Plethora of Learning Games

I came across this neat site for Anatomy. This maybe helpful as we get more involved with the x-ray part of things. It's been awhile since I've taken Anatomy, so anything that helps jar that info to the front of the brain is a good thing.

First there's the link to interactive crossword puzzles (they help you spell the words properly...hint hint): http://anatomy.med.umich.edu/crosswords/crossword_index.html

Then there's the main page with "Who Wants to be a Millionaire Doctor" application and the "Anatomy Jeopardy" games: http://anatomy.med.umich.edu/games/games_index.html

These are apparently geared towards medical (MD) students, so some of the stuff is irrelevant, but hey, if you can answer "doctor" questions, RAD tests should be a breeze...right?

Later, y'all!
Got to go study for the RAD 110 exam...my head is already spinning!