Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Webanatomy link for 1st yrs

Here's the link for you guys, finally got around to adding it. You'll notice that this site also has an image bank. A great resource for printables. You'll be glad you had that practice once you get to skulls!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just Added to Sidebar

The "Radiation Units" link (under "Helpful Links") gives a little more info on the different units of radiation. There's a little chart for conversion too.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another S-marker order!

I've had a lot of requests to do another order of the markers. So, it's official. I will be taking orders until 9/1/09.

Some of the techs at clinical sites have also mentioned ordering. I will try to get an order sheet made this weekend. So, if you've had interest from your clinical site, let me know and I'll get one to you.

The markers are still $8.00 per pair.


2nd years--Research Paper Links

I took an online English class a couple years ago (w/Heather J it turns out). These are some of the links that we used for style and bibliographies:

APA Format & Style Guide:

Basics of APA style:

Annotated Bibliography:

Bibliography generator: Just enter the info and viola...instant "bib". Your sanity will thank you!

Imaging Links (The various places I find all my strange pics):

HINT: On these sites you have to check out the links to find the good stuff.

Street Anatomy Blog:

Morbid Anatomy:

Radiology Teaching Files:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2nd on Campus Project

Unfortunately, the powers that be shot down Kathy's idea of using our scientific posters as our Campus Project. What they would like us to do instead, is create a storyboard about Swine Flu (aka H1N1 virus) and hand out info about it in the Student Center.

I talked to Kathy, and we could probably do the handouts during our lunchtime one of the days we're on campus. I mean, we're in there anyway. More details will follow soon, but we need to get this done quickly.

If you guys could check your respective clinical sites and ask if they have any handouts or patient info re: Swine Flu that they'd be willing to donate to us, that we be awesome.

Basically, the jist of this is to point out who is at a higher risk for contracting the disease and the benefits of getting the vaccination (which apparently WILL be offered @ RCCC).

I'm going to try and get storyboard material printed out. If I could have a volunteer to supply the board and arrange it all nice, that would be great.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Rad Club Prez.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Announcements for All Students

Per Kathy, any student that has not turned in their TB test documentation MUST contact Kathy or Frankie before the start of clinic on Monday. Failure to do so will mean that you are prohibited from clinic until this issue has been resolved.

Also, construction on the X-ray lab has yet to begin. Be advised that our class schedules may CHANGE because we will have access to both classroom during the 1st 8 weeks of the semester.

In other news, the club lottery was held today. The Rad club has pledged to do a few events for on both North & South campus. I will need volunteers for the following projects and times.

Aug 25th (Tuesday) SOUTH CAMPUS: 5 people needed for the Welcome Back Breakfast

Aug 26th (Wednesday) NORTH CAMPUS: 5 people needed for the Welcome Back Breakfast

Sept: SOUTH CAMPUS: Need volunteers to set up bulletin board on South Campus. Details forthcoming from Kathy. Must be completed by end of Sept.

*For the breakfast projects, your clinic time can be reimbursed...if you so desire.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Community Project-School Supply Drive

Checkout the flyer for our community project this semester! We are taking donations of new school supplies for the children at Nazareth Children's Home. Nazareth houses children of all ages, so if you are unsure of what to donate, check out the school supply lists at the local stores. I've seen them at Walgreen's and Walmart.

Along those lines, if anyone has a large box or bin where we can store these items that would be awesome, we're already having cramped quarters with the construction going on in the X-ray lab.

I figured we'd collect supplies from 8/1st-8/31st. Looks like that's what the Tools for School drives normally do.

Feel free to pass this along to co-workers, friends and family.

To print, right click on image and choose save as. You "should" be able to print from there. If not, let me know and I can e-mail this to you directly.

*In case you First Years are wondering what all this is about, all clubs at RCCC are required to do at least one community project and one campus project per semester. We've already taken care of the campus project (the scientific posters we made will be on display in the Student Center). The school supply drive will satisfy the community project.

Why is that so important? The SGA gives us funds for completing these projects. Funds that we use for things like going to the NCSRT conference in the fall.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hey First Years, Need Textbooks?

Hey guys, a couple of the senior students have copies of the Patient Care book to sell if you're interested. (We had such drama with books our 1st semester!). I'm sure you'll pay way less than you would at the bookstore or on Amazon even.

If you're interested, comment to this post and I'll hook you guys up.


Welcome First Years!

Congrats again for getting "here"! Now the hard part begins...staying here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there will be days when the last thing you want to hear is the word "x-ray". Then there will be days when you love what you're learning to do. You will be frustrated, exhausted, burnt out, and dejected...and that's just the first week of clinic LOL!

I'm not trying to scare you guys. Believe me, when I was in your shoes for the "senior talk", I thought:" hard can this be really? What does an x-ray tech do, push a button?"

I've eaten those words many times over. As a tech-in-training you will learn more than you ever wanted to about anatomy, the insides of an x-ray machine, circuitry, physics, x-ray film processing. It's an amazing amount of material to absorb in a short period of time.

With that I'll get off my soapbox. This blog is here to help. Most of us second years (I can't believe we're seniors now!!!!) visit the blog. So if you have questions or need help with anything feel free to post it here. We don't have all the answers and we are still students like you, but every little bit helps.

Take a moment to look at the archives. There's quite a bit of helpful stuff there. If you need a link for something, let me know and I'll try to find one for you.

Again, welcome to x-ray boot camp! Good luck!

Kimberly Raines
RAD club prez

Friday, July 24, 2009

Get yer S-Markers

Finally worked out a vendor for S markers. They aren't the skinny aluminum ones that the techs have, but they are rectangles. They measure 1 inch across and 1.5 inches long. Some people have said that this still sounds kind of big. Jonathan has offered to shave off the sides if any body wants that done.

These markers also sell for $8.00 including shipping. You can mix and match any colors. Some colors have special backgrounds/ finishes available (See list) . Also, they don't come with any putty so you're on your own for that.
See colors list & samples below. If you'd like to order, send me an e-mail @ w/your color & finish preference & your S-number. I will send you a paypal invoice that you can either pay online or in person. That way you can double check your order before I send it in. Once they arrive, I'll send out a message and we'll figure out the best way to disperse them before clinic starts. Any questions? Drop me a line.

Colors available:

Purple (Chrome)
Black (Glossy, prism effect, carbon fiber)
White (Glossy)
Yellow (Chrome or glossy)
Red (Glitter, chrome, mini hearts pattern, or glossy)
Blue (Chrome or glitter)
Orange (Chrome)
Pink (Glossy or glitter)
Chrome (Mirror effect)
Silver (Hologram stars, glitter, carbon fiber, rainbow effect or plain square hologram)
Silver ("Engine turning effect" = pattern moves as you rotate the marker)
Grey (Glossy)
Candy Apple Green (Glossy)
Green (Chrome, glitter, hologram)
Gold (Chrome, glossy, or rainbow effect)
Baby Blue (Glossy)
Pearl (Color shifting effect)
Brushed Aluminum (Silver)
Mini Diamond Plate (Silver color shifting diamonds)
Teal (Glossy)
Dark Gray (Glossy)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Coolest X-ray Markers EVAH!

Y'all. I have been trying to find us a good deal on custom markers for senior year. A lot of folks are saying they'd prefer skinnier markers (to help with that Northeast collimation). Looks like the going rate for a custom set of those is around $10.99. I'll keep looking though.

I did however come across the COOLEST markers in different shapes. (See pics). I might just have to treat myself to some of those funky foot memory of the VA.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sensitometry Workbook

A neat PDF file from Kodak regarding the whole sensitometry thing. Obviously this is mainly for photographic film, but the core info is the same...from what I can tell.

If there's any other topic that anyone needs help on let me know. You can comment on this post or send me an e-mail:

I can post charts or diagrams or whatever you need.

Good luck on Tuesday everybody!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Physics Help

I have been looking for these Spark Notes or Spark Charts everywhere with no luck. This site offers the option of printing them out at home. In addition, they also have a review of physics and formulas. Don't know if this will help you or confuse you more.

Let me know what you think. I'm trying to create a chart that uses on the formulas we need but so far I haven't made much progress.

Help With Scientific Posters

I'm still too sick to come to class today (believe me, you guys don't want this crud) but I'm trying to make myself useful. I came across this neat site about creating scientific posters. Don't know if any of this applies to our projects, but it is a good starting point.

Let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Syllabus & Clinical Schedule Posted on Blackboard

Kathy wanted me to remind everyone to check Blackboard frequently this semester as it will be the primary source of communication for clinic. The clinical schedule has already been posted as well as the syllabus. I probably don't have to tell you guys this but it is balls to the wall this summer. There's already a clinical test review during the 1st week of clinic and the scientific poster proposal is due on 6/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to ruin the last few moments of vaca...but just thought I'd give you guys a head's up.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Congratulations Everybody !!!

See all of you in the summer :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mandible & TMJ Powerpoint Issues

Hey guys, the powerpoint for the Mandible & TMJ stuff was causing problems...not sure why, but if I have time this weekend, I'll try to sort it out and re-post the link. If you have any additional issues with the blog, just let me know and I'll try my best to fix them!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

SGA Meeting & Other Announcements

****SGA MEETING April 7th 12:10-1:05pm in Rm 311 North Campus****

The RCCC Student Leadership Banquet will be held Monday May 4th @ 6:30 in the Myers Student Center on North Campus. Each club may invite 5 members to attend the banquet. Award plaques will be ordered soon. If you have a deserving student, please submit the attached nomination forms by Friday April 17th. Descriptions of awards are also attached.

Scholarship Opportunity for Club Presidents- The SGA executive board is in the process of revising the SGA constitution to include Club Presidents as voting members of the Senate (eligible for a meeting stipend). The revised constitution will be voted upon at the April 7th General Business Meeting. Should the constitution revision be accepted by the current senate, Club Presidents will need to be voted in by each club this Spring! Please submit contact information for your 2009-2010 Club President by May 4th, 2009. We want to be able to contact them over the summer about upcoming dates and leadership development opportunities. Please plan to attend the April 7th SGA meeting to learn about details.

Use of the Student Center for Events - Please contact Brenda Smith, Administrative Assistant-Student Activities, to schedule the Student Center on both campuses. Brenda will coordinate efforts with Sarah Surratt and Belinda Wyatt. You may e-mail requests to or call ext. 3722.

Club Lottery for Fall 2009 - Wednesday August 12th @ 11:00 am (place TBA). Please plan to attend the Lottery to sign up to earn additional club money. Lunch will be provided at 11am for club members and advisors.

Friday, April 3, 2009

NCSRT Design Contest

From the NCSRT Website: All RAD students are invited to design a long sleeve T-shirt to be sold at the NCSRT Annual Contest in October 2009.

The students and their schools will be recognized at the conference with a plaque. The student(s) will also receive a $100 gift card.

The Front of the T-shirt will have the NCSRT emblem and the back will showcase the winning student's artwork. Once submitted, the artwork will become property of NCSRT, Inc.

Please have artwork along with the application form emailed or mailed by Saturday July 25th, 2009. Application form as well as contest guidelines can also be downloaded from the website:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Imaging Lab Test 2

FINALLY! The powerpoint for Imaging Test #2. Sorry it took me so long to post this...technical glitches. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

CA Hospital Sued for Pediatric CT Radiation Overdose

CT Tech commits a serious error which may cause long term harm to 23 month old boy.

Radiology Art

Apparently Med School students have far more time on their hands than x-ray students. Check out this cool site about Radiology Art:

Monday, March 16, 2009

An Awesome Radiography Blog

I came across this guy's blog while doing research for my powerpoint. Lots of great tips and topics. I'm going to *try* to add it to the links for this blog, if it doesn't wig out on me.

Giving a whole new meaning to Direct Deposit !

Ran across a Power point showing how thieves use X-ray film.... Involving ATM's....
This is crazy !!!!!!!!

Book Number

Stewart Bushong, Rad Science for Technologists 9th Edition

Best place to get the book, I think would be Amazon,,, if anyone can find a better deal. please post it --- Thanks,, your fellow classmate::: Andrew :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Skull anatomy tests online

Here's quite a few with all different views that really help with the skull stuff we're doing now.

Let me know if you have any issues with the link!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Comp City!

Hey guys, since we are all trying to get so many comps this semester, can someone from each site (and those who've worked the 2p-9p shift already) post with the most common things they see at each site?

That way, we can put in some extra study time on pertinent stuff before we rotate and/or before we do the 2nd shift thing.

Also, if you have any tips about your site (best place to park, to bring or not bring lunch, Rm A has a tempermental x-ray table...etc) that would be awesome.

I don't know about you guys, but I am nervous to basically start over from scratch at a new place, LOL!

I'll tell ya right now that VA parking sucks. Be ready for a hike! Not only will you be trekking from afar through the tunnels, then you have several flights of stairs to scale to make it to the x-ray dept. If you do leave for lunch, you'll be circling for at least 20 mins to find another parking spot (I learned that the hard way).

Not only that, it's a hike to the cafeteria as well...although now that Kathy has introduced us to the pizza parlor, I doubt we'll be making that trek again. If you're feeling all Andrew Zimmerman and risk the cafeteria food, be forewarned that it has no seasoning.

Also, you can break in the breakroom but you can't eat lunch in the breakroom at VA. And you definitely want to BYOH2O because the water in the fountains is...well, you'll see. Not trying to hate on the VA...just letting you know what to be prepared for.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shaderware Virtual Radiography

Finally, someone tries to make a virtual x-ray machine for students to practice with.

Great concept but poor execution. I'm no software engineer, but this program has many flaws. It's meant to be used at colleges so it's waaaaaaaaay expensive. Secondly it's from the UK, so all the measurements, including cassette size & SID is in centimeters (so not helpful!).

Thirdly, it's easier to operate a real life machine than it is this computer simulation. Instead of a point and click situation, it's toggled by letter keys. Personally I think it's a detriment to studying rather than an an aid. But, if you'd like to check it out for yourself, there's a free 15 day trial on the site. (Warning: Time Consuming Download)

Here's the link:
Once you're in the site, look for the "Try & Buy" link. It takes you to a page where you can download the program. There's also a very important student version of the instructions on this page (PDF file).

Who knows, maybe you'll find it more helpful than I did.

No clinic today at 12pm

I'm sure everybody knows by now that there is no clinc at all today (even for 2nd shifters) but there was 1 or 2 of you that Ellen couldn't get a hold of....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Problems with the Imaging Book CD

Anybody running into this issue? I was able to download the CD onto my computer at work (just to check it out). It runs fine there, but I keep getting error messages on the laptop about Flash.

I even deleted all the old Adobe programs from my laptop and installed new versions, but dice!

I get this funky message about "class".


So...if anybody has a suggestion that would be awesome...Janice is having the same problem.

My laptop runs Vista...if that matters.